Bearded Dragon Care Sheet
 This is a male bearded dragon that I saved from a local pet store. He doesn't walk right and his left eye never opens all the way. He has to be hand fed everyday and I gave him his own enclosure with a lowered heat lamp since he can't judge distance good enough to climb branches. Please read the care sheet below and buy a good bearded dragon book before purchasing any reptiles or amphibians. If everyone takes a little time to make sure they are able to correctly care for their animals there won't be any more poor crippled dragons around.
This care sheet is pretty general in information. If you have any other questions please don't
hesitate to e-mail me and I'll try to help.
Scientific Name * Pogona Vitticeps
Common Name * Bearded Dragon
Natural Habitat *Arid and semiarid Southeastern Australia. Sandy and rocky plains, in short grasses and brushlands
Life Expectancy * 5-10 years ( 7-10 years if cared for properly)
Caging Requirements *48" longX12"wideX19"high ( I've seen slightly smaller enclosures used with no problems, but these measurements are what I recommend for keeping bearded dragons healthy and happy. )
Ambient Temperatures *80-85 degrees F (lower temperatures as far down as the 60's are allowed at night and during winter cycling)
Basking Temperatures *88-100 degrees F ( they can handle temps. in the low 100's as long as there is enough room in the enclosure to escape the heat on the cooler side)
Substrates * I use newspaper for hatchlings and sand for adults, but you can also use reptile carpeting
Feeding Percentages *50% live foods 50% plant foods. Adults should be fed more vegetables than live foods.
Live foods *Crickets, waxworms, mealworms, superworms, wild caught pesticide free insects, occasionally pinkie mice. MAKE SURE the food items are no more than 1/2 the size of the beardies head ( especially in babies dragons). Also, dust the food items with a high quality calcium/vitamin supplement made for bearded dragons at least once per week, preferably twice.
Plant foods *Collared greens, mustard greens, kale, thawed mixed vegetables, green beans, peas, dandelion flowers and leaves. The same rules as far as food size and supplementation apply for plant and animal foods.
Lighting *There has been no information so far proving the positive effects of using UV lights for raising reptiles, but I highly recommend it. I use high quality fluorescent UVB tubes and some of the new UVB incandescent bulbs that are on the market. Also, I take all of my lizards outside in screen enclosures to get natural UVB when the weather permits it. If you take your reptiles outside make sure they are always supervised to ensure no escapes or other animals trying to get at your pet.
Don't forget your bearded dragon shirts, hats, and more! CLICK HERE